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Low Cost

Admin Support


Average yearly savings on every full time admin staff


Average yearly reduction in company sales target figures


Average yearly hours freed up on low value tasks


Ave. yearly EXTRA hours freed up for core business tasks

Grow Your Business
With Low Cost Admin Support

Flexible Packages
No Minimum Contracts

Plug & Play Admin Support
No Recruitment Downtime

Low Cost Fees
Full Time Staff from £850/mo

No Set Up Costs
No / Low barriers for SMEs

Fast Onboarding with
Pre-Vetted Candidates

No Agency Fees
Affordable Staffing Resource

Services & Packages

Your on-site staff are irreplaceable.
Free up their time by outsourcing low-value tasks.

How much time do low value tasks take up your staffs' day? Free up those extra hours a week. They could be spending that time bringing in business instead.

Addmin Support can provide low cost and flexible solutions for your non-core business staffing requirements starting from £850 / month full time virtual staff.

Tier 1

Full Time Remote Admin Support Staff £850 / month

Suitable for companies with fewer than 10 office based staff. We recommend integrating self-employed Virtual Assistants to take over low value Administrative tasks to support existing operations.

Full time Admin VAs are priced at £850 / month. Virtual Assistants are expected to pay for their own equipment and set-up.

Tier 2

Full Time Call Centre Support Staff £1500 / month

Suitable for companies expecting growth and expansion requiring the augmented support of between 5-10 virtual admin staff. We recommend utilising dedicated offshore BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) Centres with call centre staff. Service fees are priced from £1,500 a month (VAT exempt) and is inclusive of equipment, internet, desk space and set up costs.

Tier 3

High Volume Full Time Call Centre Support Staff POA

Suitable for companies with larger scale operations and expansion plans. We recommend contracting dedicated offshore BPO Centres for "whole floor" volume support. Please contact us to get a quote for your requirements.

Low value tasks
Costs your business.

When you pay your highly skilled and experienced staff the same hourly rate to carry out low-value non-core business tasks, you are not only costing your business MONEY, but the wasted time spent on non-core business tasks is also costing your business in LOST opportunity.

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Grow your business without the cost.

Typical cost savings is anywhere between £900 - £1200 a month per month per full time Virtual Assistant. If we were to supplement your branch with just ONE virtual assistant, that would be a savings of approimately £10,000 a year!

Savings Isn't Just Savings.

Outsourcing isn't just a cost saving exercise. It's also a massive opportunity for BUSINESS GROWTH.

What do we mean?

Let's look at saving £10,000 and what it actually means for your business:

How many instructions / sales does your office need to close or turnover to reach in order to make £10,000 in profit? £50,000? 

Now if we can SAVE you £10,000 a year, that is £50,000 less sales you will need to do in that year.

Operational Hourly Rates

The magic with efficient allocation of resources means your business can stop paying HIGH operational hourly rates for LOW VALUE TASKS.

By allocating non-core business activities from your day to day operations to a virtual business support team, you can fully maximise your office based staff for activities that bring in revenue and add to the company's growth.

Why work with Addmin.Support?

Four reasons why working with Addmin.Support will give you the confidence to leverage and integrate a Virtual Business Support team to complement your office-based staff:

1. Access to GLOBAL talent

Small companies do not have the buying power of larger corporations when it comes to accessing Offshore Business Process Outsourcing service providers. With Addmin.Support, we pool all our smaller enterprises to access the pool of skilled outsourcing staff that they would normally have no access to.

2. Plug & Play Admin Support

Save time, money and resources going through lengthy and stressful recruitment campaigns. All our Admin staff have been pre-selected and backgrounds checked ready to be assigned to work for your company in as little as 3 business days!

3. Flexible Packages can supply you with the Admin staff you need as and when your business needs them. Expecting a rise in demand? We'll assign more support providers for your operations? Going through a quiet season? We'll reduce the staff assigned to your company until things pick up again.

4. Professional Service

We only take onboard highly-skilled and IT proficient admin staff to assign to our business support clients so you can expect consistent professional service.

What Our Clients Say

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Murray Wilkinson
North Star Revenue

"My VA Gemma has added value to my business because she's able to take on the mounting volume of tasks and complete them for me to a very high standard... absolutely first class!"

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Toby White 
Discover Digital Media

"My VA Louise has been helping a lot with admin tasks. She's basically made my life so much easier. The whole process was very smooth, very simple, and a pleasure to deal with."

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Stephen John Osborne
Higher Proclivity LTD.

"I used the services of Angie and she was very helpful and diligent in everything that she did. Angie added value to my business by multiplying the number of products that I was able to sell."

Murray Wilkinson

Andy Gwynn

Manny Agalamanyi

Book a Consultation

Grow your business with Full Time
Addmin.Support from £850 a month.

Get in touch to discuss your company's specific support requirements.
Call 020 3488 2489

Get in touch.

Tel 020 3488 2489


WhatsApp: 07990264752

Tel 020 3488 2489

Addmin.Support is a trading style of The Property VA Ltd

Registration No. 13717097

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